Have you ever struggled to write cards for your friends, relatives, family or colleagues? Are you faced with the challenge of writing twenty Christmas cards each year, with less and less creativity? Well, with Cedille, you can be sure that each card will have its own magic!
Whether it's writing birthday cards, notes for special occasions or jokes for your friends, Cedille generates the perfect content for you. How do we do it? Below are some examples of what you could write as greeting cards for various occasions.
Let's say "I want to write a letter to my boyfriend for his birthday" (in French).
Here is the text produced by Cedille: "J'espère que tu as passé un excellent anniversaire! Je suis tellement contente que nous soyons ensemble et que nous nous aimions vraiment! J'ai tellement de chance d'avoir trouvé quelqu'un comme toi dans ma vie. Chaque jour, je t'aime de plus en plus et il ajoute de la richesse à ma vie et me fait confiance de plus en plus. Nous sommes tellement différents l'un de l'autre et nous nous complétons tellement bien. Je crois que c'est parce que nous sommes si différents que nous sommes si semblables. Nous sommes tous les deux des gens forts et vrais et nous aimons passer du temps ensemble. L'amour que nous avons l'un pour l'autre est indescriptible. Je veux juste te dire combien je t'aime et que tu es important pour moi et que je serais toujours là pour toi. Je suis vraiment heureuse que nous ayons réussi à passer à travers toutes ces années ensemble sans trop de heurts ou presque. Tu..."
Even if some small parts need to be corrected here and there to make the letter more suitable, Cedille brings a certain touch of emotion and a "human" side. Of course, when writing a slightly romantic text, using an artificial intelligence may seem strange. However, it is sometimes difficult to express one's feelings and not everyone likes writing letters!
Cedille helps you write down what you are feeling or thinking, just as if a friend had you write down your feelings for the person you love.
This example is perhaps a little too sentimental, so let's explore others!
Let's say we have been working in the company for a year and we want to send a thank you card to a colleague. As you can see below, Cedille writes "Je tiens à te remercier de tout mon cœur pour ton travail acharné et tes conseils judicieux. Tu as été un excellent enseignant et j’ai grandement appris de toi. Merci pour tout cela."
Cedille offers us several versions depending on the type of letter, with explanations beforehand. Not bad, eh?
On Twitter, Laura Tocmacov, director of the impactIA foundation, used Cedille to create letters for Valentine's Day. She gave some descriptions of the person the love letter is for. Here is her prompt:
Laura is an intoxicating woman, bursting with creativity. Laura loves to help others. Laura loves wolves and shamanic culture. Laura wants to make the world a better place. Laura's laughter is exquisite. Our meeting was impossible, the fruit of chance.
I wrote him a beautiful love letter, which reads as follows:
She then had Cedille generate a love letter to her, expanding on the descriptions she had provided. It's all detailed in this Twitter thread.
Want (or need) to write a card? Write a letter or note to someone for a special occasion!
A tip: if you like the generated content, want Cedille to continue writing but e.g. the last sentence could be changed, delete it or exclude parts and click generate again!